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Tips for Responsible Dog Owners

National Dog Bite Prevention Week® (April 9-15, 2017), is an annual event designed to provide consumers with information on how to be responsible pet owners while increasing awareness of a serious public health issue.

Even dogs that are normally docile may bite when they are frightened or when defending their puppies, owners or food. However, the best way to protect yourself is to prevent your dog from biting anyone in the first place. The most dangerous dogs are those that fall victim to human shortcomings such as poor training, irresponsible ownership and breeding practices that foster viciousness.

The family veterinarian should be the first stop for any pet owner with behavioral concerns", said Dr. Melissa Bain, AVMA member and specialist in animal behavior. “They can advise you as to whether there is a medical component for which medication may be an appropriate element of an integrated treatment program; and whether or not a referral to a behavior specialist is warranted.”

For dog bite prevention tips, click...
Video: Preventing Dog Bites
Dog Bite Claims Up 18% in 2016
Liability - Are Dog Bites Insured?

or join the conversation on Twitter using the hashtag #preventdogbites.

Source: Insurance Information Institute (I.I.I.), Press Release - April 6, 2017