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3rd Annual Hometown Business Food Drive ends Nov. 20

American Insurance is inviting all small business owners to partner with us again from Nov. 12-20 - now extended! - for the 3rd Annual Hometown Business Food Drive. Just bring your donations to our office or if you're a small business, contact our Event Coordinator Stephanie Herbert at (208) 413-6242 or StephH [at] am-ins [dot] com!

Last year 22 local small businesses partnered with American Insurance to make a significant donation of 1,825 lbs. of food for distribution by the Community Action Food Banks. Our goal in 2018 is at least 2,000 lbs. (a ton of thanks-giving)!  

Lewiston and Clarkston food collections will be for the Community Action Food Banks.  Moscow collections will be delivered to Palouse Cares for distribution.

We are hoping that many more small business owners will partner with us in 2018”, said John Sullivan, President of American Insurance. “Together our local small businesses will do what we do best – show that we support the needs in our communities. Hometown businesses are the backbone of local support that helps make our communities wonderful places to live, work and raise our families.


  • Contact Us to be a partner by contacting our coordinator, Stephanie Herbert, (208) 413-6242 or StephH [at] am-ins [dot] com . There are no costs to you. 
  • Place a Poster at your business will announce your Food Drive participation and the date when you and your employees will bring bags of food to work (between Nov. 12-20 - we can provide a poster.) 
  • Picture & Pickup Time – Schedule the time for us to pick up your donations and we will take a picture of you and your employees. 
  • Social Media Posts of your business name will be tagged, and your staff picture will be posted on our Facebook page to help publicize the food drive and your participation. You can share our posts with your friends and customers too. And, we even “BOOST” or pay to expand the reach of these posts during the week of the event.
  • Newspaper Ads will announce the results of Hometown Business Food Drive and list your business or name as a participant.

American Insurance coordinates the food drive and has their agents pick up the food and deliver it to the food banks.  We arrange and pay all expenses related to publicity, social media, and newspaper ads.  The Hometown Business Food Drive shows how small business owners can partner together to make a huge impact for families in need in our communities. 

Questions? You can contact Stephanie Herbert, American Insurance Marketing Assistant, at StephH [at] am-ins [dot] com or (208) 413-6242.

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