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Staff awards given for 2021

Awards were given out during our 2021 Christmas party and annual staff meeting on Dec. 10, 2021 to celebrate the year and look ahead into 2022. 

Newcomer Angela Hobart (above) received the newcomer award after passing her Idaho state licensing exam earlier that day.

Karyl Wayt (above) received an award for 5 years of time as a Customer Service Representative in Moscow for business clients.

Shelly Abel (above) also received an award for 5 years of time working as a Customer Service Agent for alphabet H-M in Lewiston for personal insurance clients.

Tim Gleason (at right), health agent, received a special awarded for 25 years at the agency as a Health Agent. 


President Shawn Sullivan (center) offered comments about his future vision as we have moved ahead into the 100th year as an agency in 2022. CEO John Sullivan (left) reported on events planned to celebrate the 100th year as an agency, which were published in our calendar.

Earlier in the afternoon, Vice President Philip Sullivan shared about updates planned in operations for 2022 around our office.

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