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Q & A: Does Idaho have a new cell phone law?

We printed this Q&A column in the April 10, 2021 edition of The Lewiston Tribune. Q: Does Idaho have a new cell phone law? A: Yes, Idaho is now enforcing the “hands-free cell phone” law passed last July. The Idaho...

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Rising Trend In Highway Death Rates Reversing

Idaho and Washington among states that see small decline this year. - Reversing a trend of sharply increasing motor vehicle deaths in 2015 and 2016, the first half of 2017 is down 1% from the corresponding period in...

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Washington Updates Distracted Driving Law

Violations are now reported to your insurance company. - Washington state has defined its Distracted Driving law that just took effect on July 23, 2017. These changes include: No Hand-Held Cell Phone Use While Driving...

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Law Enforcement Crackdown on Texting & Driving

From April 10 to 15, 2015, law enforcement personnel will be using a combination of traditional and innovative strategies to crack down on motorists who text while driving. This effort is a part of the national U Drive....

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Is Hands-Free Cell Use Safer?

Is hands-free cell phone use safer when driving than hand-held? That's the question the National Safety Council asked in a public opinion poil. The new findings indicate 80 percent of drivers across America incorrectly...

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Distracted Driving - Employer Issues

From small business delivery to large transportation fleets, distracted driving issues are a major liability to employers. Due to high profile crashes, large jury verdicts against employers, and a changing regulatory...

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Cell Phone Related Fatalities Down 47% In CA

Traffic deaths due to hand-held cell phone use by drivers have dropped 47% since California enacted a ban in July, 2008. The analysis, conducted by the Safe Transportation Research and Education Center (SafeTREC) at...

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Distracted Driving Not Just Cell Phones

"Cell phone usage is only one of many bad habits that are distracting American drivers," said Robert Passmore, senior director of personal lines for Property Casualty Insurers Association of America (PCI). "Distracted...

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Driver Cell Phone Ban Urged

A ban on driver use of cell phones is urged by National Transportation Safety Board. The safety recommendation specifically calls for the 50 states and the District of Columbia to ban the non-emergency use of portable...

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