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Premium Increases Ahead For Businesses

Business owners need to brace themselves for modest insurance premium increases in 2012. Faced with high catastrophe claims from 2011 and low investment returns Property-Casualty insurance companies have no choice but...

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Allstate Agents Quit & Dissatisfied

Overall, 73% of Allstate agents answering a national survey were "not very" or "not at all" satisfied with their relationship with the company. When asked if they would be willing to refer a friend or relative to become...

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What did health insurance cost us in 2010?

The median premium cost per employee was $400 per month under private-sector group health insurance plans in 2010 according to a survey just released by the US Dept of Health & Human Services. The Medical...

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30% of Employers Will Drop Medical After 2014

Thirty percent of employers will cancel health plans by 2014 because of Health Care Reform, according to a McKinsey Research study. The research suggests that when employers become more aware of the new economic and...

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Fewer Teens Getting Driver’s License

Finances cause one in seven parents to delay teen driving. With high unemployment, concerns over rising gas prices and inflation, plus the cost of auto insurance for young drivers, the expense of getting a teen behind...

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9 Million Lose Health Benefits

An estimated 9 million working-age adults became uninsured last year due to recession job losses according to the new Commonwealth Fund 2010 Biennial Health Insurance Survey. The recession has stripped millions of...

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Health Insurance - Employers Taking Bold Action

Employers are taking bold action to manage health care costs and offer affordable care according to the National Business Group on Health Survey just released by Towers Watson. Over the past year, employers have focused...

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76% Oppose Accident Response Tax

Should you pay a fee for emergency response services following an accident? A resounding three out of four adults said "no" when recently surveyed by telephone in a Harris Interactive poll. The majority surveyed believe...

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P/C Industry Predictions 2011

The property/casualty insurance industry turned a corner and will show a profitable year for 2010, but underwriting discipline will be more important than ever in 2011, said chief executive officers (CEOs) participating...

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Class Action Lawsuits up 60%

Corporate Directors and Officers are the targets of an increasing number of class action lawsuits. The average number of US class actions filed between 2007 and 2009 was nearly 60 percent higher than in 2006, according...

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Professional Liability Costs Rising for Hospitals and Physicians

Hospitals and physicians should prepare for increasing liability costs, according to the 2010 Hospital Professional Liability and Physician Liability Benchmark Analysis created by Aon Risk Solution. In its 11th year,...

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Homeowners’ customer satisfaction studied by JD Power

Source: JD Powers and Associates Reports AMERICAN INSURANCE increases customer satisfaction with homeowners insurance while the national trend shows a decline according to the JD Power and Associates 2010 US National...

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Claims & Fraud Up - Says New Survey

During an economic downturn people are more likely to commit insurance fraud than they are in normal times. That was the opinion of more than three quarters (76%) of consumers in a survey released by Accenture, a global...

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New AMA Study: 95 medical liability claims per 100 physicians

On average there is nearly one medical liability claim for every physician. This is one cost driver of higher medical fees passed on to consumers. The AMA reports the high number of claims is not an indication of...

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